This is part of our "interim parks"?!

A lot of our friends and neighbors have been commenting on the "temporary running course" that was supposed to compensate this community for the loss of the running track in Macombs Dam Park, which was demolished with the beginning of the Yankee Stadium construction.
This proposed "running course" is not adequate. Nor does it meet the description promised the community in the final environmental impact statement (FEIS). According to the FEIS, this community was supposed to receive a 15' wide cinder surfaced running path. Instead we have received pedestrian figures and arrows spray painted onto the sidewalks surrounding John Mullaly Park. See the photo above. As you can see, people who once used the track are now being directed to run around the block. Arrows have been placed to make sure you do not get lost along with "mile markers" telling you how far you have run (in 0.1 mile increments). In addition, the parks department has also placed motivational signs near each marker telling you to "keep it up" and directing you to a website where you can get more information about fitness.
Is this some kind of sick joke? Or is this "running course" for real?
We were promised a better facility. And quite frankly, we deserve better than this. To see a "facility" like this offered to us as a form of "mitigation" is nothing less than insulting.
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