Sunday, November 06, 2005

DEIS: Neighborhood impacts; Conclusion


Draft EIS states:

The analysis concludes that as a result of the proposed project, there would be no change in the types of land uses or design and scale of development located in the study area; however, the location of the various uses would be reconfigured in different locations. This would not result in an increase in traffic and pedestrian trips over existing conditions.

As a result of the proposed project, the New York Yankees, an important asset to the neighborhood and The Bronx, would remain in its historical Bronx location.

The proposed project would also have a positive effect on the character of the area. The proposed project would provide a net increase in the area’s open space, and replace older, and in some cases worn, recreational facilities, with new, modern facilities. It would also create new access to the waterfront beyond what would have been provided in the future without the proposed project.

However, the proposed stadium would be located closer than the existing stadium to the predominantly residential neighborhood located north of East 161st Street and west of Jerome Avenue. That relocation would alter the visual setting and concentrate traffic and pedestrian impacts along 161st Street and the adjacent streets. Within the larger project area, there would continue to be a mix of parking, parkland, and stadium uses, which are compatible with each other and consistent with the park designation of much of the study area.

In summary, the proposed project would not significantly adversely affect the combined elements contributing to the neighborhood character of the study area. No significant adverse impacts to neighborhood character would result from the proposed project.


The conclusions reached by the DEIS with regards to neighborhood impacts are simply wrong and are based on flawed reasoning. It is clear to anyone with basic reasoning ability that the project as proposed would be disruptive to local residents, would cause a blighting impact on several historic buildings, and would replace viable parkland with inferior, less desirable facilities.


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